The Notebook
Welcome to The Notebook – Islands of Brilliance's little corner of the internet where we share resources, recommendations, updates, and other helpful information for our families and community to leverage and enjoy.
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Collaboration and Celebration: Two Keys to Successful and FUN Learning
For anyone who has witnessed a final presentation at an IOB Workshop, this is a familiar phrase. At the end of every workshop and especially at the end of an entire session, IOB asks students how they want to celebrate all the amazing things they learned.
Why Online Works at IOB
“He’s always on the computer! It drives me crazy! He needs to go outside and play with his friends.”
“She’s always looking at her phone. How will she ever engage with humans in real situations?”
These quotes are all echoed by parents. Whether your child is neurotypical or neurodiverse–if you are a parent–you have likely said one of these things to your spouse or a friend. Today’s children are digital natives, growing up in the information age. We can’t go backwards from this trend of technology being at the forefront of everything that happens at school, work, and home. Of course, the global pandemic has accelerated this trend!
We Call It Juice
“Thank you - I am so glad we found you!”
“My daughter absolutely loved joining in yesterday, when is the next one?”
“What is all this Juice Talk?”
I am really lucky, I get to hear lots of happy stories. We here at IOB call it, "Juice." Juice is representative of all the good stories we get to share—stuff that makes us happy, proud, and know we are doing important and meaningful work.
The Bridge: Leveraging Students’ Interests to Spur Progress Beyond the Classroom
Students thriving in a distance learning environment.
Until March of this year, I had not truly given thought to what it means to pivot. Being part of an organization with a mission that targets changing perceptions around autism, I thought I understood the nature and value of change - and then everything changed.
“The Pivot”: The Need for and Value of Change
Students thriving in a distance learning environment.
Until March of this year, I had not truly given thought to what it means to pivot. Being part of an organization with a mission that targets changing perceptions around autism, I thought I understood the nature and value of change - and then everything changed.
The Transition Plan: What is it? And why does it matter?
Transition. It’s a simple word that can be applied to so many things. Transition to and from work, from grade school to middle school, from puberty to adulthood. As a special education teacher, I’d like to call attention to something that often gets overlooked or is an afterthought in many IEP meetings - the Post Secondary Transition Plan, or PTP for short.